Turn Off Everything, Start New

Chalida Piyajittra
3 min readAug 3, 2020


I have read the short story from Ray Bradbury called “The Veldt”. My favourite part is

Where before they had a Santa Claus now they have a Scrooge. Children prefer Santas. You’ve let this room and this house replace you and your wife in your children’s affections. This room is their mother and father, far more important in their lives than their real parents. And now you come along and want to shut it off. No wonder there’s hatred here.

*spoiler alert* Basically this story about parents leave their kids with technology and then they use it to kill their parents (maybe).

To this point you may wonder, could that happen in real life? The kid trying to kill their parents when they try to shut down their technology because of the kid’s addiction? the answer is ABSOLUTELY!

Young Game Addict Trying To Kill His Mother and Grandmother After They Smashed His Gaming Headphone

This is the news from 2019 that this child got angry after his mother smashed his gaming headphone and broke it. He got so upset and asked his mother and grandmother “Do you want to die?” then grabbed a knife from the kitchen and threatening them. Luckily nothing bad happen. Later the child admitted that he is a mental patient.

To be honest, this kind of thing does not happen just because he is mental patient, it is because his was left with technology alone. For me, it is his parents fault that leave him alone with technology and once they realised and try to stop him, he chose to stop his parents. If you search “father destroy video game” on Youtube, you will find so many video (could be more than a hundred) that even someone put into compilations (some of them are fake)… This might be a serious issue in family.

Angry Parents Destroying Kids Electronics Compilation #5

Do you think this is a good parenting to teach their children discipline? It will stop the problem immediately but one thing that your children will learn that it is acceptable to destroy property if they are really angry. So, let’s not do that for the reason that your children learn how to behave from watching you.

Teaching them with reason is much better than using anger. From my experiences, I started to play games since I was 7 years old. My father always got angry and yelling whenever I played until late or when I spent time on it too much. He did not use reason at that time so as a kid, I just sneaked to play it, learnt to lie and so good at hiding it (not so proud of it) and they never know what kind of game I was playing (it was R-18 shooting game). In my opinion, you better talk with them in reasons or they will manage to do it behind you anyway.

Today there is a ‘parental control’ technology over many applications. We cannot just stop them from using technology whereas learn how they use it and control them without violence or just turn it off. I believe that technology is not bad if you know how to control your children in the right way. Of course it is better than smashing something you buy with your money. Turn your emotion off, Start new.



Chalida Piyajittra
Chalida Piyajittra

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